In August I spent one weekend in Paris with to lovely ladies whom I know from London. Yes, photo editing is a lot of fun. And yes. I have watched Woody Allen's "Midnight in Paris". These gray-scaled nostalgic photos are just what Paris does to you.
More photos from Paris will come soon. (...)
NB. If you click on the photos (unless you watch them in an email), they come up one by one with a black background. It may then be easier to look at them, as I realise my blog posts can be both photo-heavy as well as slightly excessive in colours once in a while.
Yesterday we had bier in a park and enjoyed the sun...
Trees and cycles are maybe not that interesting but the colours in nature are at the moment quite cool. Yesterday was really warm and comforting and almost t-shirt weather. Today it's raining. The day before yesterday I wore my winter jacket. Confusing? Yes. Aber auch sehr schön!